Musical Live Concert
"Let music flow in your heart and enrich your soul."

Baby Shower
"Baby shower is a customary ritual that has acquired the form of celebration of welcoming the new life that is soon to be born. "

The objective of baby shower is to basically shower the mother-to-be with necessary support, advice on what she ought to do and not do during and after her pregnancy and bless her with good wishes and gifts. The entire family and friends participate in this celebrating of excitement of having a new life amidst them soon.

Munj Sohala
"Munj or threading ceremony is one of the traditional ceremonies which are performed when a student has to leave his parents house and enter gurukul to take teaching lessons from the guru."

During the ceremony the boy receives a holy thread which symbolizes three trinities of goddess – saraswati, lakshmi and parvati. The boy has to shave his head during the Munj and hence the boy is known as “batoo.” An auspicious day and time is decided to perform this ceremony.

Naming Ceremony
"A naming ceremony is the event at which an infant, a youth, or an adult is given a name or names."

The timing can vary from mere days after birth to several months or many years afterwards. Some of these ceremonies have religious or cultural significance.

Birthday Celebration
"We create you Celebrate"


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